Custom Designed Remediation Equipment
Self-Contained Units With Small On-Site Footprint
Hire DeepEarth
Deep-Shot™ Rig
The Deep-Shot™ Rig is the work horse of the DeepEarth application team. This unit is 100% self-contained and is powered by a diesel engine driving hydraulic pumps that mix and inject the Cool-Ox® reagent. Because the unit creates no spurious static electrical discharges, it can be safely used in the proximity of flammable materials.
The unit has been successful in pumping to injectors over 200 yards away. Reagent is delivered to the injection equipment through high pressure hydraulic hose that are wire wound and thus, complete a grounded circuit from injector to the Deep-Shot™ Rig. The Rig is itself grounded thus, completing the circuit. The unit is designed to work in all types of weather including subzero cold.
However, work is halted if lightning storms are threatening. The unit is also equipped with an explosion proof electrical generator that can provide 120-volt AC power for working in remote locations or at night in areas where lighting is not available.